Saturday, December 02, 2006

Wine Club .. "Beer Night"

I'm a part of a wine club. Every 2nd month about 10 of us get together for dinner & wine at our friend Linda's place (she cooks marvellous meals). A few of us usually bring a bottle of wine (Linda pretty much tells us what to bring), and then we taste the different the wines, rate them according to various categories (body, aroma, finish, etc...). It's pretty fun.

Tonight, however, we had a change of pace. We substituted wine for .. well, beer. Here are 6 of the 10 beers we tried (and their approximate rankings). The reason I'm only listing 6 is that I don't remember the names of the other beers we tried (they weren't that good anyways, otheriwse they'd have made the top 6!):

1. St. Ambrose (Montreal)
2. Sleemans Cream Ale (Montreal?)
3. Singha (Thailand)
4. Edelweiss Hefeweizen (Germany)
5. Groeltsch (Holland?)
6. Bowen Island (can't remember which type; Bowen Island, BC)

* Beer & chilli make a brilliant combination. Come to think of it, so do beer & peanuts or chips. ;)
* Avoid, at all costs, girly beers like "raspberry-flavoured" beer. They are an abmoniation.


Faith K said...

OK now... what do you mean by AVOID, AT ALL COSTS, GIRLY beers!!!????!!! By the way, I think Singha Beer really sucks... The rest are ok...

cub said...

someone brought a raspberry-flavoured beer. that's a girly beer. it's for sissies.

i thought singha was actually pretty good. i ranked it #2, but the average was #3 i think.

what's your fave?

Faith K said...

Well... there's quite a few... but then again, I just do not like beer in general. They're.... bitter ... haha.. :)

cub said...

in that case, you'd probably like the raspberry-flavoured beer. ;)