Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sermon Prep

This Monday I'm preaching on I. Corinthians 9:1-14. I've exegeted this passage until kingdom come .. and think I know what it says .. but now comes the hard work of putting it together into a sermon.

I think I'm becoming more and more a fan of short homilies, rather than long sermons. For one, they're less work :D, but also, I think one should be able to say everything there's to say about a passage in 10 minutes.

I rarely listen to a sermon unhindered for 20 minutes. There's usually a 5-minute "gap" in there somewhere, where I'm interrupted by thining about something else: the school projects I'm working on (or have yet to work on), the soccer game I heard about, the hottie sitting in front of me (shame on her for wearing spaghetti straps to church), the phonecall I have to make, the guy with the mop on his head, the bulletin announcements, the weather, and on the list goes....

Here's to 10-minute homilies!

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