Monday, December 30, 2013

Quality Time ... at $500 A Day!

I took 6 of my 8 nephews/nieces to Manning Park today.  Neal, Dylan, Terence, and Derek represented the boys.  Priscilla and Natasha represented the girls.  Tanis is long out of the nest so she doesn't attend events with "uncle Ed" any longer.  In fact, she's in Hawaii with Jason!  Ralph, on the other hand, is not physically able to participate in such rigorous activities.  At least not yet.

The two girls and Derek skied, while the rest of the boys chose snowboarding.  Except for Neal, all of them needed equipment rental, and in addition, Derek and Terence chose to take some lessons too.  So, $500+ later, everyone was happy.  My goodness, it must be expensive to have children of your own.  $500 for a day on the mountain!!!  Take up hiking kids .. it's much cheaper and much more beneficial for you in the long run!

Ted came along too, which was nice, because it meant that we could sit in the lodge and sip hot cocoas while the young ones were out there freezing their buns off.  Ted worked on his laptop.  I read Laruen Winner.  Finished the book, actually.  It's a good read, and relevant for me, because she talks about the "mid-life" crisis of faith.

Anyways, below are some pictures.  Unfortunately I didn't get pics of everyone.  But at least Derek and Terence are accounted for.

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