Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Pressure .. This Time .. Vocational

A few days ago I talked about pressure I'm getting from her.  Today, I'm feeling relentless pressure from my boss.

It's crazy.  I came here in February, sensing God's calling for internal and external reasons:

* internal - answer to prayer on the Camino de Santiago, a sense of vocational direction
* external - seeking to move on from a relationship gone awry; breathing fresh (non-Vancouver) air; affirmation by family and peers

Now, 9 months later, I'm wondering whether I made the right decision.  A few weeks ago, on November 21st, I had an excruciatingly difficult day at work.  I was in a meeting with a number of people in the room, and I felt like I was going to explode.

A short 3 months ago I passed my probationary review with "flying colours", as they say, and now, I find myself wondering whether I'll be on my way out soon, looking for work.

The past few days I looked in the Vancouver job market to see how things are there.  They're actually quite good, compared to a year ago.  What a massive disappointment going back to Vancouver would be; not really because I dislike that city so much, but more because I thought I was following divine guidance in moving here.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner!

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