Friday, August 30, 2013


One year ago I wrote the following words here:

As short as 3 or 4 months ago we were still quite close, perhaps too close, too emotionally tied, but in recent weeks I've noticed that she's become increasingly distant.  This hurts, because I haven't moved on yet, and I fear that she has.

This past year has been a relentless confirmation of the last sentence in the paragraph above.

Yesterday's dinner with her at Katzenjammer went well, but as in the last couple of visits, I end up a miserable man afterwards.  Not necessarily because of any nasty words said by one person or the other, but because of the slow realization after our visit that things are very different than they used to be.  Like a yo-yo, my emotional barometer goes up and down, from hot to cold, from elation to depression within minutes.

Katzenjammer, however, proved once again a worthy candidate for top 3 favourite restaurants in Vancouver.  Here's to a good plate of schnitzel, bratwurst, and rotkohl.  Oh and yes, a Hefeweizen too, please.

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