Monday, March 25, 2013


I didn't go to church in the morning.  I've said my good-byes to my faith community here.  Instead, I hiked up the BCMC trail with my good friend Shane.  We always have good conversations that spark life within us, even though our tales often include elements of heartbreak and loss.

After the hike I returned to Abbotsford for a late lunch with family.  We reminisced about yesterday's anniversary celebration.  Mom kept saying how well I spoke, but she said it so often that I think she's trying to lift my animo.  She's definitely overcompensating.

Late afternoon I drove back to Vancouver and met up with Jennifer.  More bittersweet moments.  More joy mixed in with angst and uncertainty.

How I've missed her.  We got caught up on our lives, our journeys (literal and figurative).  We ate dinner at, where else, Al Watan.  We went for a long walk, from her apartment all the way around False Creek and then across the Cambie Street bridge and back to her apartment.  Throughout the evening, and especially during the walk, I did much talking.  I expressed my thoughts and ambitions to her clearly.

I know that she's not much of a talker.  That's what's so attractive about her.  She remained true to her character.  But this time around, her silence was different.  I wonder if it signified a more profound distance, a more pronounced alienation.

Tomorrow I return to Moose Jaw.  My heart is at peace currently, but I know that I will be anxious tomorrow come fly-time.

I'm not sure when we will see each other again.

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