Sunday, March 24, 2013

50 Years!

In the morning I managed to hike the BCMC (much to the chigrin of my worrisome mother: "You'll get injured", "You wont make it back in time for the celebration", etc etc...).

At 11am I had a haircut appointment.

Everything went according to plan.

Then at 4pm, the celebration started: 50 years of mom and dad.  The Lord is Great!

The program went off without too many glitches.  Come to think of it, there were no major glitches whatsoever.  Perhaps a shortage of humour (thanks to Dylan and Natasha there was a little humour anyways), perhaps a few off key musical pieces, but that's normal.

I spoke on Psalm 145, "The Lord is Great".  I have to admit, I'm questioning my suitability for speaking on this text.  I'm in a dark place personally, and wish I could "feel" more of the greatness of the Lord.  I "know" it cerebrally, but I don't "feel" it, at least not lately.  May the Lord have pity on me and lead me through this time.

But I'm so grateful for my parents.  They are an icon of the love of God for us: steady, unwavering, faithful, long-suffering, kind, generous, selfless, forgiving, loving.

Thank you Lord, for mom and dad.  I pray for their relationship.  May their love for each other continue to mirror the love that you have for us.  May their marriage continue to be a sacrament of your love for all, oh God.  Amen.

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