Thursday, May 27, 2010

Frankfurt: Ikonen Museum, Zentrum

Whereas yesterday it was sunny and warm, today was rainy and cool. Still, I ventured out of the house and into downtown, by train.

Arrival at the Hauptbahnhof in Frankfurt:

Outside the main train station:

After arrival, I took the 46 bus straight to the Ikonen Museum, near the Alte Brücke. I visited this small, quaint museum 4 years ago when was here, and it was a personal favourite. I took a few pictures inside (with permission) of some of the icons.

Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden:

The Annunciation:

Theotokos (Mother of God) & Christchild:

Mary mourns at the Cross:

Jesus at the Resurrection:

After the short visit at the museum I crossed the Alte Brücke and made my way further into downtown. The weather was miserable: rainy. I was glad I took Olga up on her offer to take along an umbrella (before day`s end, however, I`d lose the umbrella!).

I found some items for sale at the Benetton store: 1 black t, 1 white t, one black button shirt. I also bought a nice watch at the Kaufhaus Galleria. I arrived back at Rudy and Olga`s close to 8pm, much later than I`d told them I would. Here are some pictures I took in downtown Frankfurt.

The Oper Haus:

At the opera house, I found especially pleasing the inscription "The Truth, the Beautiful, the Good", a clear reference to all that the ancient philosophers sought worthy of human pursuit, a claim that Christian theologians have throughout the years echoed also: truth, beauty, and ethics.

Next up, the Römerplatz:

The following picture, also of the ancient Roman court (but from opposite angle), shows how hard it was raining. At this point, I and many others sought refuge inside one of the souvenirshops:

A contrast of kingdoms:

Tomorrow afternoon we travel to Calbe, where I will visit with other relatives, including uncle David.

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