Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dinner At La Bodega With Jennifer

Tonight was our sort of Valentine's dinner. I say sort of, because Jen and I aren't together any longer, and as a result, there's a definite barrier between us. Physically, of course, much of our playfulness is either gone or on its way out. Psychologically, we are not on the same page anymore, we keep our cards closer to our chest, not wanting to reveal or expose ourselves. Spiritually, well, we were never of one mind to begin with, that's been the problem from the get-go, so nothing has changed there, except maybe the odd bitter feeling - I'm sure all this is mutual.

So what's left is what we began with, the social, a friendship, except that whereas we began our friendship with enthusiasm and excitement at our new discovery - each other - now, we have a friendship that's tainted, at least temporarily (I hope), with hurt and disappointment.

Even so, we managed to put on our smiley faces and go to one of my favourite restaurants, La Bodega. Actually, I'm grateful to Jen for suggesting this place. A nice touch on her part.

We ordered what we always order when we go there:
* tomate y cebolla (sliced tomatoes and sweet red oninos)
* chorizo casero (cured, spicy pork sausages)
* albondigas (spanish meatballs)
* arroz español (seafood on spanish rice pilaf), and my all-time favourite:
* patatas bravas (literally, brave potatoes: potatoes with zesty dressing)

Even as I write this my mouth waters! I'm hungry again!

Below are two pictures, both taken at the beginning of the meal.

After dinner we went for a walk near the restaurant, to take in some of the Olympic atmosphere. After all, Vancouver's now an olympic city: it will be a zoo over the next 16 days.

We walked halfway across the Granville Street Bridge, and took a look at the searchlights that have been gracing the skies of our beautiful city for the past few weeks already, and tonight was no exception, as they shone right through the fog and rain. Actually, one could argue that the fog and rain amplified the effect in some way.

Below is a picture of Granville Island, taken from the bridge. Across the water, the building with the bright yellow lights (I believe it's Bridges Restaurant) is the Swiss House, for the duration of the Games. Apparently they give out free chocolate to visitors: sounds like a place I need to visit before Lent begins next Wednesday!

On our way back to Jen's place, we noticed that the streets were much much more crowded then usual. Various age groups and flags of nations were visible in the city streets tonight. It was a refreshing sight, to see life in the city. I hope that the city will shed its "no fun" image over the next few weeks!

Once at Jen's we watched the opening ceremony on tape. Overall I thought they were good, although it seems like there was a glitch at the end when the hydraulics on one of the totem poles failed.

It's also not very wintery: it's wet and miserable, not exactly the winter wonderland the world probably expected. I wonder if someone told visitors coming here that this is typical "winter " in Vancouver.

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