Friday, February 05, 2010

Dinner @ Rachelle's!

Tonight I went for dinner at Rachelle's! I say this with an exclamation point, because I rarely see her anymore - she seems to have disappeared, or rather, withdrawn (?) - from the map. It was actually the first time I saw her since before Christmas; well before Christmas, maybe even as far back as late summer, August or September-ish.

She made dinner, lasagna, with a lovely salad, and my gosh was it ever good.

We also had a coffee, for ol' times sake. I remember fondly the Sunday mornings we used to attend church together and then afterward go for breakfast, sometimes at her place, sometimes at mine, and sometimes at Paul's Place or some other good breakfast joint. And all our breakfasts ended on the same exhilarating note: coffee, cream, and sugar.

Sadly, she has completely withdrawn from the community of faith, and I feel partially to blame for that. All our conversations about the church burst her bubble somewhat, made her realize that the church has not always spoken with one unanimous voice on many issues, and that's just thrown her for a loop. Which voice is right? Who is telling the truth?

It seems like we live in times when doubt and skepticism rule the day. Unless we can speak of something definitively, we seem unwilling to call it truth. Sadly, when doing so, we extract all mystery and beauty from the world.

I pray that she would return to the fold. The Shepherd bough her at great cost to himself.

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