Monday, August 31, 2009

10+ Months Later

Tonight Jennifer and I broke up. It was a mutual decision: we'd been together for 10+ months, and it was time to decide whether this relationship was going somewhere significant or not.

We decided that since we see the world very differently, it was best to go our separate ways. I'm Christian, she's not. I want to marry a Christian, she does not want to become one.

We didn't use a "sharp knife" though, in our split; I'm not sure if that's wise or if that will come back to haunt us.

I'm thankful for Jennifer, and for all that God's taught me through her. She's a lovely woman. I hope and pray that she will find Salvation.

As for me, I'll be laying low for a bit, patching up my wounds.


Faith K said...

Cub, my friend, sorry to hear about the breakup. It's hard to be in a relationship that's unequally yolked, and I'm glad in a way to learn about this. Don't give up, and continue to trust that God's special gift for you is out there somewhere... she just needs a little more time before she's ready for you.. and vice versa. :) Praying for ya.

cub said...

thank you Faith, i appreciate your kind comments and your prayers.

i hope you're well. keep smiling...


ps - best wishes on your new blog