Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I woke up this morning and noticed that I'd slept in a really awkward position.

I got up out of bed and went straight into the shower. After showering, I grabbed for my towel, and then, I felt it: PINCH. My nerve in my lower back pinched me so hard I just about fell over right there. I hate getting pinched nerves, I get them about once a year.

My dad always calls them Hexenschuβ, which is the German equivalent. It means "witch shot," and gives the impression of being "shot by a witch." That expression seems appropriate to me, because I certainly feel like I was shot by a witch. I'm so sore I can barely move!!!

To make matters worse, Tuesdays are my worst days. I had no less than 4 "appointments" (ie - classes, meetings) which I couldn't miss. All day long I walked around moaning and groaning like an old man.

Better stop there, before I get accused of being a whiner.

Note to self: next time you wake up after sleeping in an awkward position, stay in bed all day.

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