Monday, November 07, 2016


I'm devastated.

I've been searching for years for a musician whose music I can sink my music into.  Finally, earlier this year, I found him.  But today he died.

Composer of such gems as Hallelujah, Dance Me to the End of Love, and Take this Waltz, Leonard Cohen has - had - it all: the voice, the guitar, the mind, the intellect, the emotions, the sense of humour.  He had this brilliant ability to embrace the tensions of opposites in life: hope and despair, joy and sorrow, optimism and cynicism.  He could be both extremes at the same time.

His music was beyond categorization: pop, rock, soul, gospel, even country.  Of the typical categories, folk would probably describe him best, at least for me.

I heard someone describe his genre as "Truth".  Someone else categorized him as "Good".




Apparently when he was asked how to categorize his music, he replied with "Deeply agreeable to the heart."  That suffices, I think.

I will be listening for his music for the rest of my life I'm sure.  He was such a prolific writer, it will take me a good 2 years to even familiarize myself with his music, much less begin to understand and integrate it.

Lord have mercy on his soul.

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