Thursday, February 27, 2014

Acapulco: The Grand Life

This morning we checked out of our humble dwelling in the diamante sector, and moved to the old part of the city.  We didn't, however, check into just any place, but rather, we checked into one of the nicest hotels in Acapulco.  It was grand!

Below's a panoramic shot of our view.  We're on the 18th floor.

On the other side, the city. 

We arrived to our luxurious setting shortly after noon.  After a quick nap, I walked around the neighbourhood looking for a lavanderia to do my laundry.  I found one with a quick turnaround timeframe, and on my way back to the hotel I also found an internet cafe that enabled me to get caught up on my emails.

Upon my arrival back at the hotel I dropped my backpack, changed into my shorts, and promptly went to the pool for a dip.  Unlike our previous hotel, where the water was actually quite cold (I know, life is hard), the water was nice and tibia here.  Ruth concurred: "Edgar, see how warm this water is?  This is what pools in Vancouver should be like in the summer.  Now you know why I don't swim when I'm in Vancouver."  True enough.  Swimming pool water in Vancouver is cold even on the warmest of days...

Oh and yes, I ordered my first piña colada since arriving.  Actually I ordered two, and asked for double shots on both.

Below's a picture of the pool, with our hotel in the background.

For dinner Ruth, Marty and I went to a place called El Fogón, a place that serves wonderful food.  I remember it from last time I came.  They ordered pozole, and I ordered enchiladas.  Greasy, but my goodness, tasty.  Another piña colada.

Today marked the last day before Tati and Ruben arrive.  Tomorrow Ruth and Marty will head back to DF, and I will remain here and spend a few days with the Cuernavaca folk. I say folk, because Tati's sister and husband are also coming, along with their little boy Marcelo, as well as her father.

The past few days I've had little time to stop and think.  I've been too busy.  Spending 8 hours a day watching tennis leaves little time for reflection on the rest of life.  Perhaps I should do that more often: spend more time living, and less time thinking...

But it dawned on me that this is my first trip alone to Mexico.  Actually it didn't dawn on me, I've known it all along.  I just let the elephant out of his cage, and he was not a nice one.

My solution was a few Djarums at the beach.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner!

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