Wednesday, June 26, 2013

In Vancouver For 5 Days

I arrived in Abbotsford a few minutes ago.  Mom and dad picked me up.

I've come here for a few reasons.

One, to take a few days from work.  Work is good, but it is stressful.  The "honeymoon" period seems to be coming to an end.  Over the next few days I want to indulge in the familiar: friends, family, mountains, and lakes.

Two, I decided to hand-deliver my first finished painting to my dad, as a (belated) present for Father's Day.

Third, I need to continue dealing with the Jennifer factor.  I need to visit this city and start putting my beautiful memories to rest.  I need to find a way to turn the page and start anew.  Excruciatingly painful and difficult.  Lord have Mercy!

I will spend more or less half my time with family, and the rest with friends.  Tomorrow night I'm going to attend games night at Ruth and Marty's.  I can't wait....

Below, waiting for my flight at Calgary Int'l Airport.

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