Sunday, January 08, 2012


Man, I felt so uneasy today.

It was my friend Hugh's birthday, a new convert to the Al Watan food experience.  Naturally, therefore, he selected to celebrate his birthday party at this joint.  There were 6 of us.  Problem is, our conversation got really loud (in such a small place), and we were talking about some sensitive themes - Evangelism, among others - which made me feel quite uncomfortable.

I raised the issue with everyone, asking us to quieten down, and I was stunned to find out that people were turned off by my suggestion.  It was really strange.  I have no problem with Evangelism, but surely there's a rightful place and time to talk about it, and surely there's an appropriate volume level too.  It's not the same as talking about the latest Canucks game!

Anyways, happy birthday Hugh!

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