Sunday, October 19, 2008


Today was the first time in a long time that I was cold. Very cold.

I went to Doña Cata's for some great Mexican food with Jen today, around 5pm. It'd been a sunny day, and I'd dressed semi-warm, meaning, warm enough for a sunny Fall-day, but not nearly warm enough for a cool evening.

I missed my longjohns.

So I've made the decision that until further notice, I'll be wearing longjohns in the evening.

Very soon I'll likely wear longjohns during the day too (especially at work), but for now, the policy includes only evening: anytime I go out in the evenings, longjohns are a must.

I oughta write up a "How to dress properly" manual. It would help me each year transitioning from one season to another.

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