Thursday, October 30, 2008

Back On The Road

August 13th was the last day I drove my car, until tonight.

Two years ago I began going without a car for a month each year. While impractical at first, I quickly got used to life without a car, so much so that I decided this year to go without a car for 10 weeks.

That 10 week period ended today.

This afternoon after work I dropped in on the insurance company just around the corner from my apartment and reinsured my car.

So, I'm back on the road, just in time for the wet and rainy Vancouver winter.

But I only insured my car until the end of March 2009. Next year I want to go without a car for 6 months, from end of March until end of September. Based on my lifestyle, there's really no need to have a car during the summer.

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