Saturday, July 16, 2005

Tim Und Struppi

With all the busyness of studying Greek, I've been looking for something to give my mind a break from all the memorizing of nouns, adjectives, verbal paradigms, and prepositions. Last week after my exam on Thursday I went for a walk at the UBC campus, and I discovered a neat little store not more than 100 metres away from Regent.

The name of the store is Damask, and they sell all kinds of goodies - cards, candles, soaps, journals, bags, etc. But most importantly, they sell officially licensed Tim Und Struppi (TinTin in English) stuff: books, keychains, bookmarks, t-shirts, figurines, and posters.

When I first saw all the paraphenelia they had, my heart jumped for joy, because as a child I read sooooooooooooo much Tin Tin - in fact, along with Fix Und Foxi, and Asterix, these were probably the comics I read most. It was such a nostalgic moment - bringing up all kinds of childhood memories from Paraguay.

I ended up buying one of the comics: Die Schwarze Insel (The Black Island). Unfortunately, they did not have them in German. It would have been good to brush up on my German. The store owner said that she might be able to order some for me in German, so maybe after I finish my course I will reward myself with a few German comic books.

I also found a website that has cool TinTin wallpapers for my laptop. :-D

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