Monday, July 25, 2005

The Higher Rock: A Prayer

Almighty and Everlasting Father,
Loving Son Jesus,
Guiding Holy Spirit:

We come to you on this Sunday evening,
each of us in our own unique situation:
some of us joyful, some of us burdened with sorrow.
We come to you as a community of believers,
for we know that you listen to our prayers,
you hear the cries of your people.

You, Oh God, lead us to the higher rock,
In you we take refuge, for you are a strong tower against evil.
We take shelter under your wings, we dwell in your love.
We praise you, and we sing glories to your name.
We repent for our wrongdoings, give thanks for forgiving us our sins,
and ask for your help in renewing our vows to serve you in truth each day.

We are grateful for yesterday’s Envision Evening.
We are strengthened by the example of the early church:
Followers of Jesus devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship,
to the breaking of bread and prayer.

Teach us to care for one another, and to love one another selflessly, sacrificially.
Teach us to fellowship, to be a community, having “all things in common.”
We pray that through genuine community, you would draw us to yourself,
adding to your numbers “day by day those who are being saved” into your kingdom.

Enable us to serve you by serving others.
May we devote ourselves to community, rather than follow our own individualistic desires.
Reveal to us which community you are calling us to serve in,
and help us to leave behind the consumerism of our culture.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We turn our attention to a hurting world:

We pray that you would restore to health the injured,
and comfort those who lost family members or loved ones in the recent bombings in England and Egypt.
We pray for restoration of peace and order in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We pray for reconciliation in Israel and Palestine.
We pray against government corruption in the Philippines and here in our own nation.

Lord Jesus, we know that you are the only source of Peace,
You are the only hope of reconciliation,
You are the way, the truth, and the life.

Holy Spirit, guide those who are in positions of influence away from lies, and towards salvation in Jesus Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the Global Church:

We marvel at the growth of your church.
People are coming to know and serve you, the living God,
in China, south east Asia, and Africa.

In many places people suffer persecution:
they lose their families, they lose their jobs,
and yet they respond to the prompting of your Holy Spirit with joy and thanksgiving.

We praise you for the resilience and strength you give in these circumstances.
We ask for continued protection and courage.
Hear their cries, oh God. Spare them.

Continue to raise people who are willing to preach the gospel in these contexts.

Shake us – the church of the west - out of our own comfort and complacency.
May we be encouraged to rejoice in your “steadfast love and faithfulness”,
and turn our back on the cultural values of relativism.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for St. John’s:

We are thankful for today’s visitors: bless them, Lord.
May they walk away encouraged,
may their hearts be gladdened by the realization that you love and care for them.

Thank you for the musicians, the greeters, the various committee and staff members and the many others who faithfully serve here,
and for the interns whom you are raising to do your work.

We pray for the parish that was recently planted in Richmond.
May many fruits grow from this small seed,
to the glory and honour of your name.

We pray for those who minister to children and young people,
for those who serve in Evangelism,
And for those who faithfully preach the word each week.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.

Finally, in a moment of silence, we bring to you the things you have placed on our hearts:
personal struggles, stories of thanksgiving,
friends or family,
the sick, the grieving, the lonely, and the needy.

We pray all of these things in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit.

Evening Service Prayer at St. John’s Anglican Church, based on Psalm 61, and Acts 2:42-47.

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