Friday, May 26, 2017

The Hope Within

Today was a busy day, as we had the semi-annual memorial service at St. Ann's.

But afterwards, an interesting conversation came up at my coworker Carla's place.  A few of us were sitting around the table, and out of nowhere the unthinkable conversation about religion erupted: "Is there a God"?, we mused.  For the first time in a few years' a genuine conversation about such matters came up, and I have to say I found it so rich, interesting, and refreshing.

At the table were an Adventist, an ex-Mormom, a "progressive" (ex-United Church), an atheist (ex-Catholic), and me, a recent convert to the Catholic Church.  And each of us came at the question with our own experience and belief.

Not everyone appreciated the conversation, though.  Things got personal.  Feelings are hurt so easily.  Convictions are tested, as is patience and the ability to not take criticism personally.  It's so hard though, when one's deepest beliefs are challenged.  It's a hit to the very core.

I need more conversations like these.  And I need to practise expressing "the reason I have this hope within" (I. Peter 3:15) more.  With grace.  And understanding.

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