Sunday, September 18, 2016

Biking For Ears

Today Father Joe and I biked from Saskatoon to Chief Whitecap and back, a total of 50kms.

The purpose of our ride was to raise money and purchase assistive hearing devices for our residents.

Over the past few weeks I did some training runs, riding my bike to and from work, to  Wanuskewin, and a couple of rides to Beaver Creek and back.  Good thing I did, because the ride today was challenging.  The way back was particularly tough, with a blistering prairie wind sweeping across the 219.

Just before my arrival back at Queen's House where the ride began, it started to rain slightly.  But the thought of a burger feast waiting for me at the finish line motived me to push ahead right to the end.

So far we've raised about $1000.  We'll need another $500 or so to get the devices we need.

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