month ago I wrote about the blessing of having a good friend in my life.
This month I'd like to write about two more friends who are very special to me, Ruth and Marty. For the past week they have been visiting me here in Saskatoon - what a treat to have them here!
We've done a ton of stuff together over the last few days: cooking, going for walks, bbqs, lots of board games (!), watching tennis, a road trip to Regina, visiting a winery south of the city, and checking out various food joints.
The roots of our friendship go back a good 8 years. Initially we played lots of soccer together - that's how we met. After scrimmages we'd go out to the pub, and I noticed that I always had good conversations with both of them. I appreciate their ability and interest in discussing not just ordinary topics of everyday life, but deeper topics too involving honest reflections relating to worldviews, geopolitics, faith, and the sciences.
I don't agree with them on everything, in fact, our points of view diverge on many fronts, but I find them both extremely open, gracious and engaging, three qualities that are must-haves in order for mutual learning and understanding to take place. They are excellent conversation partners, and I always walk away enriched after one of our discussions.
Our friendship extends well beyond Canadian borders too, as I have the opportunity to visit them during the winter when they live in Mexico, and I'm in need of some hot weather. Five of the last seven winters I have visited Mexico, and every time I've been there, they've been amazing hosts, offering me a place to lay my head, wonderful tours of Mexico City, and amazing meals. Without fail, they've always offered superb hospitality.
One of our annual highlights the past few years has been attending the Abierto Mexicano de Tenis, held in Acapulco each year. Our mutual interest in tennis has fostered further strengthening of friendship bonds, as we all love discussing the latest tennis news or gossip.
Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures during their visit here this past week. This may be something I regret in the future, as I think having people coming to visit me here from other places is always a milestone of sorts that ought to be remembered in pictures.
Lord, thank you for blessing me with friends the likes of Ruth and Marty. Please pour your blessings upon them both, protecting them, leading and guiding them towards your loving embrace. I pray this through Christ my Lord. Amen.