Saturday, April 29, 2017

Downtown In April

I've attending a conference downtown for the past few days, and while there I took the opportunity to take a few pictures.  Hard to believe this is April.  Please, summer, please, reveal yourself to us.  We're waiting!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Tennis: Aches And Pains

I played with Fred tonight, and since next week is Easter, I'm taking a break for a few weeks to let my body rest and recover from a busy winter of tennis.

I'm very glad I've taken up this game again, but my goodness, I'm feeling old and tired lately.  I ache every morning after I play, and it takes me almost a week to recover from a hitting session.

A few weeks ago I felt a tweak on my left knee after serving in a doubles match.  I continued playing,  but I felt it in the days afterwards, and now, every time I go out on the court I'm hesitant, afraid of doing in my ligaments again.