Monday, March 03, 2014

Cuernavaca: Poolside

I spent most of today poolside.  The weather's hot (in the high 20s), but surprisingly, the water's quite cold.

The pool floor was quite dirty, so I helped Ruben clean it.

Lots of reading.  I'm really getting into Marquez.  His characters describe the Latin mindset and temperament very well.  Passionate.  Impulsive.  Intense.  All or nothing.  Emotional.  I know I know, stereotypical...

Good coffee.

Late in the afternoon I went to a mall with Tati.  I mentioned to her the relational black hole I find myself in.  Her advice was the same as what all other friends and family have told me.  Move on.  However, she added the following: moving on may provide the seeds for a possible getting together again in the future.  Emphasis on the word may.  Do not bank on it.

Only when we let go do we open ourselves to full healing.

She also mentioned that I should write a letter outlining exactly how I feel.  This would bring closure for me.  I asked if I should send it, she said no.

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