Monday, March 10, 2014

Back Home!

Departure from Mexico City, around 6:20am.

While at the airport, the most amazing thing happened.  I ran into my brother Ted!  He was on his way back from Paraguay, waiting for a flight to Vancouver.  My flight home went via Vancouver also, so incredibly, we found ourselves not only at the same airport, but in the same flight!

The odds of that happening are so incredibly low.  In a city of 25 million!  At the same airport!  On the same flight home!  Totally unplanned!  We were both absolutely stunned to see each other there.

Suffice it to say, once we got over the shock of running into each other, we promptly went to a coffee shop, bought ourselves a coffee and some pastry, and got caught up.  It was surreal.

Below, Moose Jaw from the air.

Landing in Regina.

I was happy to arrive at home safely.  The temperature was a very balmy +2C.  Could this be the beginning of spring?

I still feel in vacation-mode, as I still have another week of vacation left before returning to work.  So, tomorrow I will sleep in, do some laundry, cook some food, and just generally lay low.

On Thursday night I'll do some prep-work for my interview on Friday.

Thank you Lord for a wonderful vacation.  Have mercy on me!

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