Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Back To The Prairies

For the third time in the last 6 months I've visited BC, for the third time, I've departed back to the prairies from Abbotsford rather than Vancouver, and for the third time, I've departed on a Monday.  So a tradition of sorts is developing on my day of departure.

I wake up around 8am, and go sit with mom and dad, who are drinking their morning mate.

Then at around 9, mom gets out the waffle iron and starts making a scrumptious waffle breakfast.  Simultaneously, the French Press comes out, and a delicious carafe of coffee is made.

After breakfast, I spend a bit more time talking to mom and dad, usually by this time engaging in "wrap-up" conversations: what my plans are for the next few months; if I have any special needs they can assist me with; can they come visit; etc...

Then I either go for a walk, or do laundry, or pack my suitcase.

Around noon we eat a small lunch (almost always leftovers from Sunday lunch), followed by a short nap.

At 3pm, Ralph comes over, and together we all go to the airport.

By 4:30 I'm on the plane, and by 5 I'm in the air.

Below, Ralph and I at mom and dad's place.

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