Saturday, June 29, 2013

Days Are Too Short

God should've made days longer, perhaps 26 or 27 hours, or who knows, maybe even 30!  That's how I feel at the end of today, given all the things I "accomplished".

MEC - I went shopping for some outdoor gear, for my upcoming hiking days in the prairies; a swiss-made water bottle, a tent, and a cooking stove for my hiking friend John in Regina.

Al Watan - on the way out from the MEC store I met up with Benja, who's also in town from Toronto.  I was on the way to eat lunch with James and Scott, and since our stay in town is short, Benja came along.  It was so good to eat a good meal with 3 great friends!  As usual, Khalid was a stellar host, and the food was second to none.

Jennifer - I did what in the back of my mind I thought wouldn't be a good idea: visit her.  I dropped in to see her at work, because that way I knew it would be a short visit.  Inclusive, I brought her some lamb biryani from Al Watan and some homemade strawberry jam.  I went there in peace - so it was a positive visit.  But I'm really not sure what our friendship will look like in the future.

Claudia and Hugh - I met up with these two great friends and ate dinner at a new Italian pizzeria called Via Tevere.  The food was pricy and probably tastes good if you order the right thing, but I didn't.  I had the prosciutto e rucola pizza, and the bitterness of the arugula overpowered the rest of the food combinations.  During our meal I shared with both Hugh and Clau how difficult the last few months have been with me.  They listened intently and compassionately.  What would I do if I didn't have friends in faith to confide in and be encouraged by.

Games - in the evening a few of us gathered to play some more board games.  This time we went straight to Rook.  I faired a bit better, but Benja smoked us all.  I'll have to try it again in August when I return.

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