Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Day 12: A Fonsagrada - O Cádavo (25 Kms)

The weather in Galicia is very similar to BC weather: cold, chilly, rainy, foggy, damp.  All day.  Everyday.  I didn't expect that, but actually, I don't mind it.  But whereas in the first 10 days of the Camino I had to make sure I stayed cool and hydrated, for the rest of the Camino I'm going to make sure I stay dry and warm.

Today's walk was very hard, with lots of ups and downs.  It began with a steady climb towards Hospital de Montouto, followed by a steep decline to Paradavella.  Then another massive climb ensued, quite possibly the steepest on the Camino yet, given a short distance of about 5kms, through A Lastra to A Fontaneira, where I took a break to mend my blisters (which have behaved relatively well the past few days.

Rain threatened, but never materialized.  As the pictures below indicate, much of today's walk was amidst trees in a forest.  Very quiet.  Peaceful.

I continue to ponder what it is in life that makes me happy.  I have many disappointments in life.  What is it that propels me onward and forward?

Once in O Cádavo I talked to Jennifer on the phone.  How will our visit go?

In the evening I watched a Champions League game with other pilgrims: Barcelona 2 - Lisboa 0.

I'm tired.  Will I crash physically in Lugo?

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