Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back To The Grind!

Yesterday we arrived in Abbotsford, after a few days in Penticton with family.

Early afternoon today I made my way further west still, to Vancvouver, where I met up with Hugh, Claudia, and Mark.  Together the 4 of us hiked up Grouse Mountain.

Actually, rewind a bit, because before meeting up with friends, I visited my good friend Khalid at Al Watan at lunch.  While there, I ate the lunch special.  Heavenly food.

After the hike we ate dinner atop Grouse Mountain.  Did I say something about eating too much a few days ago while still in Penticton?  Nevermind...

It's interesting how we grow accustomed to things.  When I was first introduced to this hike, oh, 14 years ago, I was stunned to find out that people actually voluntarily "hike" up this mountain, and not only that, they do it frequently, like, 3-5 times per week!  It's such a relentless climb!

For a few years I fought my way up the mountain, exerting not only physical but also psychological punishment on myself, but for the past 5 years, this hike has become such a part of me that I feel a massive gap in my life when I'm unable to hike it.

Indoor soccer in the prairie winter is no match for a good climb up snowy Grouse.

Most prairie hikes in the summer cannot compete with a climb up the Grind in July.

I'm at Ruth and Marty's now.  I'll be staying with them until Saturday.  They're amazing hosts.

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